Beginner's Guide on How to Purchase a Firearm / Gun Online Legally
Are you looking how to order a firearm / gun online legally, but are completely unsure where to start? Don’t worry, because you are no longer alone.
While experienced online gun buyers might not admit it, everyone has been there. You find the perfect gun online at just the right price. You know you want it, but when it comes time to get it transferred, you have no idea where to start. After all, you don’t have an FFL yourself, so how are you supposed to get it delivered?
Fortunately for you, this is why FFL Easy was created.
Using a simple and easy-to-navigate directory, this site allows you to find the top FFLs in your area and takes away the guess work. We keep licenses on file and provide contact information for some of the most popular FFLs in your area. One of the most important developments for the modern firearm community, FFL Easy is just what you need to get started.
How Does it Work?
Looking to make things as convenient as possible, this online FFL gun dealer directory will allow you to pick up your firearm in 3 easy steps.
Step 1 – Locate Your Seller
The internet is overflowing with firearm sellers, which makes finding a gun online much easier than shopping in person. If you are looking for a way to transfer your firearm to a local FFL, then you likely already have completed this step and located an online seller. If not, your first step is as simple as figuring out who has the weapon you are looking to buy.
Step 2 – Find a Local FFL
Whether it is a large firearm retailer or a small, local gun shop, your local FFL needs to receive shipment of your firearm before transferring it to your ownership. With our online directory, you can search your local area for the best FFLs, read reviews, and even find out what their transfer fees are. This way, you get the best deal and the most convenience when ordering firearms online.
Step 3 – Submit Your Information
Once you have the online seller you wish to buy from and the local FFL you wish to pick the weapon up from, the last step is to simply submit the required information. Of course, prior to requesting anything for shipment to your local FFL dealer, you should keep some helpful tips in mind.
Treat Your Local FFL Right
If this is your first time ordering a gun online, it is important that you pay attention to how you speak to your local FFL dealer. Prior to having anything transferred to his shop, you will want to call ahead and find out more about the transfer process. When you are getting something shipped to his shop for the first time, he will likely ask that you come in and fill out the appropriate forms and pay the transfer fee ahead of time. Remember, all dealers set their own transfer fee, so this can vary greatly from state to state and city to city.
By showing your local FFL some courtesy ahead of time, you can save yourself a lot of hassle in the transfer process. Never just call and ask for a copy of his FFL. Instead, approach him as you would want to be approached to discuss business. This way, he has your information on file and knows who you are when your firearm arrives in his shop. The last thing you want is to have a gun transferred to your local dealer and not be able to pick it up because you broke protocol. Also, make sure to ask about discounts if you are a first responder, law enforcement officer, teacher, or hold a concealed carry permit (CCW, CWP, CHL, etc.).
What If You Fail Your Background Check?
Though there might be no reason you are legally barred from owning a firearm, the unfortunate reality is the NICS is not always perfect. If you know there are no legal reasons preventing you from owning a firearm, then it is up to your to appeal the NICS decision. Sometimes, it may just be a clerical error on your part, but failure to pass this check means no possibility of taking home the firearm from your FFL until the matter is cleared.
While this is a rare occurrence, if it does happen to you, simply make the appeal and talk to your local FFL about holding the gun until it is cleared up. He may be willing to give you a grace period and if not he might allow you to pay a holding fee. If things are not cleared up, the gun will have to be returned to the online retailer you purchased it from and you will have to request a refund on your time.
Considering a Straw Purchase?
Normally, a straw purchase refers to an instance where one individual purchases a good or service for someone else who is unwilling or unable to do so. Before you go about buying a gun for someone else, it is important that you consider all of the legal implications. When you pick up a gun from your FFL, you are acknowledging that you are the buyer and not acting as an agent to transfer it to someone else.
Keep in mind, a firearm purchased with the intention of giving it away as a gift is not considered straw purchase and is still legal under federal law. Furthermore, private firearm sales outside of a regulated FFL are still legal.
Get Started with FFL Easy
So, if you are looking for a simple and convenient way to order your next firearm online, don’t go into the buying process unprepared. Find out where you can get your new purchase shipped and make sure you are working with a local FFL dealer who will fit your needs and your budget. Just follow the three steps above and you’ll be shooting that new gun in no time.