Minnesota Gun Shop Directory
Shopping for guns online can give you access to a host of options that you simply wouldn’t find locally, but before you place any order you’ll want to make sure you have your Minnesota FFL picked out. As a fully detailed directory, FFL Easy was designed to help our users find the right gun dealer nearby so he or she can make an informed purchase decision. Say goodbye to the days of missed faxes and confusion during transfers and say hello to a more convenient future.
Of all the states in the Union, Minnesota gun laws are certainly some of the most confusing. Before you get involved with purchasing or carrying anything beyond a basic rifle, you might want to consult your local FFL. In general, you need a permit to purchase all but basic long arms. To carry openly or concealed, you need to get a carry permit, which is done on a “shall issue” basis. Of course, there are certain restrictions to what you can carry, so make sure to consider that. In some cases, your local Minneapolis FFL might actually give you different advice than a big Bloomington FFL. Regardless of what part of the state you live in, when you want a gun transferred from out of state, you need a good Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL).
Use the Right Minnesota FFL Shop
Is this your first time ordering a gun online and you want to find a friendly and helpful Saint Paul FFL to guide you through the process? Are you searching for a new Rochester FFL that is closer to your home? Do you need a Duluth FFL that offers the best transfer fees? Whatever you might be searching for, FFL Easy has information for these major cities as well as some of the smaller ones in your state. Sort them how you like and even compare them by transfer fees to find which fits you best.
When you are looking for a quality FFL in MN, remember there is no better place to start than right here online. To learn more about how to get started with your online transactions, make sure to read our online Beginner’s Guide.