New Mexico Gun Shop Directory
If you need to find a local New Mexico FFL, you have come to the right place. FFL Easy was built with the intention of making online firearm transactions easier than ever before. With our convenient dealer directory, you can check out the closest Albuquerque FFL, explore your nearest Las Cruces FFL, or even consider options in the smallest of New Mexico’s towns. So, say goodbye to the old 20th century transfer procedures and start enjoying what online gun purchasing should really be with our simple 3-step process.
For the modern shooter, New Mexico gun laws are somewhat of a wash. On one hand, they allow for open carry and offer a “shall issue” policy for concealed carry, but on the other, they generally apply a “duty to retreat,” which means self-defense situations can be difficult to defend. Furthermore, local restrictions can preempt state law, which means some areas are more restrictive than others. Of course, the generally friendly attitude doesn’t mean you can avoid the requirement to have a gun transferred to a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL).
New Mexico FFL Options
If you live in New Mexico, you understand that there are plenty of different great cities to live in. Perhaps you are in the famous city and need a Roswell FFL for you to stop by and receive shipment. Alternatively, you might live in an area around Rio Rancho and search for a Rio Rancho FFL instead. Thanks to our convenient directory, you can search these options, check out a Santa Fe FFL, or consider many of the other cities around you.
So before you go and order a firearm online without knowing where you intend to have it shipped, make sure you find a FFL in NM.