North Dakota Gun Shop Directory
If you don’t already have a good North Dakota FFL, you aren’t going to be able to order any firearms online. Fortunately for you, FFL Easy is here to help you go about finding one in your area. Whether it is a Bismarck FFL, Minot FFL, Grand Forks FFL, or anywhere else around the state, we can help you get started so you can order that gun you are after.
As you would expect from a state with such a small population, North Dakota gun laws are generally friendly to firearm owners. Concealed carry permits are offered on a “shall issue” basis and open carry is fully legal if you possess one of these permits. While local law requires state registration of NFA automatic firearms with the county sheriff and the state Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the state acts under a “shall certify” rule. This means that any application for an NFA-compliant firearm to the local sheriff must be approved for those who can lawfully possess them. Regardless of how friendly the state might be, they still require any firearms coming into the state be shipped to a local Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL).
Where to Find the Best North Dakota FFL by ZIP Code
Designed as an all-inclusive directory, FFL Easy includes a listing of gun dealers by ZIP Code around the country. We let you search by state or even narrow down your options to individual cities. Additionally, we allow you access to information about transfer fees for many of these dealers so you can choose which one works best for you. This way, if your closest Fargo FFL doesn’t work, you might decide to travel to a West Fargo FFL instead.
When you want to find a FFL in ND and compare them to figure out which works best for you, remember there is no better directory to get you started. To read more about how to receive firearms you ordered online, make sure to read our Beginner’s How to Buy a Gun Online Legally Guide.