Rhode Island Gun Shop Directory
While finding a Rhode Island FFL may sound like a difficult job anywhere else, here at FFL Easy you never have to worry. Designed to bring the shooting community into the 21st century, our convenient directory includes all of the information you need to make a good choice. By searching around your city, state, or zip, you can quickly pull up a list of options and compare from there. That way, you know if your Providence FFL is the best option or if you might want to drive across the river and find an East Providence FFL instead.
Understanding Rhode Island gun laws can seem like a difficult task on the surface. Concealed carry permits may be issued by local authorities on a “shall issue” basis, but also by the state attorney’s office on a “may issue” basis. The challenge is, these permits rarely work out as intended in practice, with the local authorities often deferring to the state attorney. This leads to confusion, and currently the state is undergoing some cases that could change the gun laws. More confusing than this though, permits issued by local authorities only allow for concealed carry through the state, while those with permits issued by the attorney general can actually carry openly as well. Going beyond local restrictions, you will want to make sure you have a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) in mind if you plan on ordering a gun online.
Use the Right Rhode Island FFL
Are you hoping to find the Warwick FFL nearest you? Do you need a Cranston FFL that offers a reasonable transfer fee? Have you been searching for the right Pawtucket FFL you can work with? Whatever the challenge might be, FFL Easy is here to help. Our online FFL finder directory includes complete information on the dealers in your area, allowing you to sort through your options and make a truly objective decision.
So, when you are after a FFL in RI that is nearby and offers the service you need, look no further than our convenient directory for guidance. If you want to learn more about how online transfers work in relation to federal laws, please read our FFL Beginner’s Guide.